
Do heavy hands come in handy?

I came up with an idea of this character that had giant hands and came up with some situations for him. I think I might expand upon this idea later... just take it a little further... maybe a short illustrated story or a cleaned up bigger version.

Another little thing...

I just liked this egg and I wanted to share.

Mile High Club

There was a play that a guy in my class had chosen for a poster, it was "Boeing Boeing", it's a play about a love triangle with a pilot and flight attendants and I thought it would have been cool to do something like this for the poster...

Sketchbook Page

Man with a spyglass...


Messing with my photos

I took these photos and printed them on some colored textured paper and painted over them. I think they turned out pretty neat. I have a couple of things out of my sketchbook I want to post up too... I like the pink car... someone's drunk behind the wheel. 


College of arts and science

Cover spread that tried to blend disciplines of arts and sciences. I didn't get picked for the catalog cover but I like to think that they had a really hard time choosing and mine was an incredibly close second...

Meat or Meet?

One word project, an acrylic painting about the word "Meet"

They look better in print...


I did a series of posters on experimental music. John Cage, Leon Theremin, and Pierre Schaeffer. I really like the way these turned out... 

I think I've got this blog thing now...


This was a play poster for Illustration. Like the painted hand by itself... It was around halloween so I was inspired to pick a vampire play. The play was short and a little strange. But love is torn apart, brought together, and self sacrifice from demons... The Vampire dies in the end by a sword through the heart...

Be gentle, I'm a first-timer...

Alright, this whole posting thing is new to me. I want to show people who might be interested in what I've done and and what I am doing with Graphic Design and such. I have a facebook and I've had a Myspace but I think this may be hard for me, but it's too early to tell. Well I suppose one has to start somewhere. I had a project to do a caricature and combine that celebrity with an animal. This is what I chose... Can you guess who?